Where are all the Great Blog Post Ideas? I wonder sometimes if other bloggers are like me. Because some days I just don’t know what to blog about. Then other days blog post ideas are just popping in to my head and I’m not sure which idea to run with. So to help those ideas jump in to my head and then onto my computer screen, I do the following things which I have updated September 2022 as I evolve with blogging:
Get Out and About
The best thing I do to get blog post ideas is to get out and about and interact with the world. I often go for a walk or a drive which clears my head and allows ideas to pop in to the spaces in my head that are cleared. When you experience the world first-hand I feel you can write about it better.
Read and Interact with Social Media and Other Bloggers
I find it very interesting to see what other bloggers are blogging about and often this sparks an idea. Also, just seeing what people are up to can be a great source of ideas. You could call it ‘spying’, which by the way, I have been advised is a good tactic to do to not only get ideas to write about, but inspiration to design your blog posts and tactics they use to grow their blogs.
Read a Lot
I like to read, particularly printed magazines and the paper. I enjoy knowing what is going on in my local area and also around the world. Reading the paper and magazines lets me know what is going on and often prompts an idea.
Watch the TV
I enjoy watching TV and sometimes ideas pop in to my head. I like to watch the news each night so I know what is happening in the world. But many different shows inspire me.
Feedback and Questions from the readers of my Blog
Feedback and questions from the readers of my blog often prompts a blog or an idea for a blog. Answering my readers questions is a great way to meet my readers needs but most importantly gives me ideas to blog about. So it is important to be able to interact with your readers. I do this by responding to questions that come through my contact form and the comments at the bottom of each blog post. This also helps me on how to monetise my blogs to make passive income.
Write Down any Ideas and re-visit Them
Most importantly, I have a note book that I write ideas in – old fashioned I know but it works. If I cannot find my notebook I often write on scraps of paper. But every so often I transfer all my hand written ideas into a spread sheet which enables me to not only list my ideas but monitor my ideas by showing what dates I have used them. My list also allows me to re-hash them and know when I did it.
In Conclusion
No matter where you get your ideas from, as long as you’ve got ideas means you are off to a great start. I’d love to hear how you get your ideas.