Colourful map of the world showing destinations.


Where Will You Live Work Play Travel?


I’ve not been everywhere… but I’m trying!


So many destinations to choose from. Click the country or continent links below where you will find my best destinations travel guides I have written. I’ve been living, working and playing around the world all my life, and I have been to many places and learnt a lot. These guides are written to help you decide where to travel to next, to provide inspiration of what to see and do plus, how you can live and work abroad. Click on the links on this page to get the information you need to live, work, play, travel the world and start your own adventures.


Quick links:

1 Month Country Itineraries + City Guides
Working Holiday Visa Country Guides
Digital Nomad Visa Country Guides
Solo Travel
Transport/Tour Options

Best of the World Guides
Best Scuba Diving Sites
Wonders of the World
Best Views from the Top
Best Wine Regions of the World
Is there such a thing? – Best Time to Travel the World – By Country + By Month


— Choose Your Destination —

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