It was by accident, or really lack of planning, that I first slept in my car overnight while on a road trip driving in Australia from Melbourne to Sydney. What I discovered that night is I am not alone when it comes to sleeping in my car or tent camping for that matter. I saw a number of other people doing it too. And they are not just sleeping in their car overnight either, they are car camping. Yep, car camping. So if you are heading off on a road trip, here’s how you can go car camping or sleep in your car to save money on accommodation costs.
Firstly, My Story of How It Happened

me, asleep in my car
The drive is usually 11 hours between Melbourne and Sydney, but on this occasion I deviated from the main road to do some sightseeing. As afternoon came and went, I was no where near where I needed to be. So, after having dinner, I decided I couldn’t drive any more and began to look for accommodation for the night. Usually I can drive into a town and find a room in a motel, but not this night. Australia was now out of covid lockdowns and everyone was travelling. And I mean everyone. Everywhere I went had a No Vacancy sign. Even the caravan park was overflowing.
Not sure what to do, I went to the service centre on the highway and had a cup of coffee in McDonalds. I noticed there were a number of trucks and cars parked. This is when I got the idea to sleep in my car – well I actually had no choice. Scouring the parking area I found a spot to park my car. I locked the doors, laid the driver’s seat back, threw a blanket over me and dozed off. I woke a few times during the night from the noise and the light as other vehicles arrived at the service centre to get fuel. I didn’t realise how many people travel during the night.
I woke early, around 6am and reflected on the night sleeping in my car. It occurred to me I could sleep in my car to save on accommodation costs when I travel. And I thought, with more planning and a little bit of travel gear I could sleep in my car and be comfortable and safe. This would save me having to pay for accommodation. I was paying around $120 per night for a cheap motel but it occured to me this $120 I could save would probably pay for 3 meals per day, an entrance fee to a museum and probably lots of other things that were running through my mind. So here are my best tips and tricks on how you can sleep in your car to save money on accommodation costs.
Pros and Cons to Sleeping In Your Car
Pros of Car Camping
- I think there is only one pro of sleeping in your car, and that is it will save you on accommodation costs. It can save you heaps if you are travelling on a tight budget. The money you save can then be spent elsewhere or even allow you to travel for longer. Sounds good so far!
Cons of Car Camping
- The biggest disadvantage to sleeping in your car is that it isn’t that comfortable.
- Car camping can be scary when you aren’t use to it and,
- It isn’t that private either.
The best way I have found to overcome the disadvantages of car camping is to be prepared for sleeping in your car. When you are prepared and have the right set-up, it can be a wonderful and enjoyable experience.
How to Prepare for Spending a Night in Your Car
My biggest tip for sleeping in your car is to be prepared for it. I wasn’t prepared for my first time, but I am now. Before any road trip and before I do some quick car checks I think about whether I need to spend the night in my car or will book accommodation. If I decide to sleep in my car I am sure I am ready by packing some essential items. I have got and keep getting a lot of my travel gear from Amazon, large retail outlets outdoor specialist stores such as Anaconda. All the items I mention following I have used during my car camping and they have come in very useful.
Travel Blanket & Pillow
Eye Mask
Headlamp for Light
Body Wipes
Solar Powerbank
Wacaco Coffee Maker – read my honest review on this coffee maker here.
Collapsable Camping gear – believe me, it can be your best friends while travelling.
What Part of the Car Should You Sleep In?
Before I went to sleep in my car, I considered the best part of the car to sleep. My Audi a4 is a sedan car, so I was limited. Should I lay across the back seat? Maybe sleep in the passenger seat so I had more leg room without a steering wheel? Should I see if the back seats fold down opening up the boot (trunk) of the car? However, the best place I decided to sleep was in the driver’s seat. I chose this for safety reasons thinking if anyone tried to get into the car while I was inside, I could easily start the engine and drive off. Thankfully, this didn’t happen and in the future I still think I will sleep in the driver’s seat. But the choice is yours as to where you choose to sleep. If you prefer to sleep across the back seat you might want to invest in a mattress, such as these.
Since writing this post, I have sold my Audi a4 and now car camp in my Suburu Forrester SUV.
Car mattress front seat bed
Mattress for the back seat
How to Make Your Car Safe and Private
I don’t think you can make your car more safe than locking the doors. For privacy though, you have more options. You could hang curtains along the windows or buy specific shades for the windows. However, having tinted windows, the darker the better, is a great privacy option. Having tinted windows can also help keep your car cool on a hot day and warmer on a cold night. I would only do these things if you are planning to sleep in your car regularly or live in it. In my case, I only sleep in my car on long road trips. Like I said, it is a long 11 hour drive from Melbourne to Sydney and I often don’t make it in the one go which is why I sleep in the car to save on accommodation costs.
Making Yourself Comfortable in the Front Seat
It was going to be a cool night for my night in the car so I put on some leggings and sox – and I’m glad I did, because my feet got cold and I wish I had thicker sox. I put the keys in the console so I could easily reach them. I wound down the back passenger window by 1cm (half an inch) so there was a little air getting into the car – thank goodness it wasn’t raining! I reclined the seat as far as it would go. Surprising, my driver’s seat in my Audi A4 reclined a long way and I was almost flat. I then had my pillow to lay my head on and I had my blanket over me to keep me warm. I also had a hoodie on and I strategically moved it over my face which helped to block out the light. I adapted what I could to ensure I was warm and comfortable.
How to Choose the Right Spot to Park?
The biggest question that I have found when sleeping in a car overnight is finding somewhere safe to park the car. I drove around for a while trying to find somewhere that looked safe. I drove along residential streets, near parks, down the main street of the town and had a look at shopping centre car parks. Here are the safest and most convenient places I have found to sleep in my car overnight.
Truck Stops / Service Centres
If you are driving along a major highway, like I was, I found a truck stop or service centre were great to sleep at. At the particular service centre I stopped at there was a petrol (fuel) station, a McDonalds Restaurant as well as a KFC and there were public toilets plus loads of car spots. I parked up not directly under a light but near a light. There were a few cars around which I think belonged to workers. I felt quite safe parking here. It did get a bit noisy at times with the cars and trucks stopping to get fuel.
Highway Rest Stops
Highway rest stops are my second choice to sleep in my car overnight at. Although a little on the dark side, there is access to toilets and mostly there are lights. I have mostly slept in rest stops during the day when I need to as I prefer a truck stop or service centre as there are more people around.
Residential Street
The third place I would suggest to park your car up for the night is in a residential street. I do prefer if the house I stop in front of has a high fence or a tree in front because it makes me feel more comfortable that the home owner won’t call the Police. I usually wait until it is dark before parking in a residential street as it will be less likely residents will be looking outside at that time.
Other Places to Park Your Car to Sleep Overnight
I haven’t tried these myself (yet) but other places to park are in supermarket car parks, park and rides and places that have activity. I think when choosing where to park, you need to consider your safety first. You want to feel comfortable (and safe) in your car so you can actually sleep. Also consider Free Camps. There are a number of apps available such as Wikicamps that can advise you where the nearest free camping area is. These areas will mostly have others, sleeping in their cars, vans and tents.
TIP: Evaluate each place before you park up for the night. Ensure you feel comfortable, private and safe in the place you choose. Be sure to check if there are any signs about ‘no overnight parking’ before you hunker down for the night.
Places I would not Park my Car to Sleep in Overnight
I would not park at dark public parks or in national parks, unless there was lighting and other cars around. I wouldn’t go off-road either as it may look suspicious.
What About Going to the Toilet?
Guys have an advantage here, they can use an empty bottle to pee in without having to get out of the car. Don’t forget to put the lid on the bottle as you don’t want any urine spilling throughout the car! Girls, well – it’s not fair really but what can we do. This is why I like to park where I know I can access a toilet if I need to. What I did though my first night sleeping in my car was not drink anything after 6pm. Then I went to the toilet and emptied the bladder. These two things helped me get through the night without needing to go until morning. I have heard some girls wear special leakage pants that they dispose of in the morning. Others use a sheewee and a bottle. I haven’t tried a sheewee myself, but I hear they work wonders! Check out these sheewees.
Portable Urinal (Male)
Female Urinal
What about Showering When Sleeping in Your Car?
Personal hygiene needs to be attended to know matter where you are living. If you don’t have access to a shower you can wash in a hand basin with a wash cloth and dry yourself with a towel. I have found some public toilets have a shower, particularly those at beaches. You may be able to join a gym that has many branches in a particular country and use the showering facilities. Also consider travelling with wipes. These handy things are great for personal hygiene and clean yourself after spills. I have recently invested in a portable solar shower.
Cooking While Car Camping
Cooking healthy meals while camping in your car will help you stay healthy plus, meals are often cheaper to make than buying them pre-made. I now travel with a small gas stove and some cooking gear – a frypan, saucepan and cooking utensils. Then I have a plate, bowl, knife, fork and spoon and a collapsable chopping board and wash basin for washing up.
Car Camping with Pets
I love car camping solo, but I also enjoy car camping with other people and pets. So if you are car camping with your favourite four-legged friend or friends, you need to do some planning and research. Firstly, ensure where you are camping is pet-friendly so you know if there are any rules and regulations you need to adhere to. Next ensure you have a leash for your pet as some places may require you best friend or friends be tied up and with you at all times. Plus you can take them on hikes. I travel with a small playpen to keep my puppy near. And don’t forget your pet’s bedding and their food and water bowls and take enough food and water for them for the length of your camping time. Just like you do for yourself.
Are You Ready to Sleep in Your Car to Save Money on Accommodation?
As I said, it was purely an accident the first time I slept in my car. What I realised though, that if I do, I can save loads of money on accommodation costs as I travel. And having done it a few times now, I am learning each time extra things I can do to make my night more enjoyable and restful. Now as you know, the cost of accommodation is the most expensive part of our travels because we need to sleep somewhere. So if you are looking to reduce your accommodation costs, consider sleeping in your car as an option. If you do this already, I would love to hear from you in the comments following. If you have any questions don’t hesitate ask away in the comments section also.

This is such great advice! I have never slept in my car before but I would definitely consider it if I could find a safe enough spot!
I’ve never slept in my car, and hope I never have to, but thanks for the tips just in case!
I did that for about 10 months as I drove around Europe (I was in college in France). Two nights in the car and then a hotel.
The places that I parked in were hospital parking lots (where the staff parked) and in upmarket hotel parking lots.
Thanks for reminding me of those days!
Yes I think if you mix it with other accommodation it isn’t so bad. I don’t know I would do it every night, but a couple of nights and then a hotel as you say is a good idea.
I am not sure if it is a comfortable option. But, I am sure it could save someone quite a lot of bucks.
Not only is sleeping in your car a way to save money but also when you find yourself in a situation in which you have no other choice, especially if road tripping. I found it a very interesting read, thanks!
I’m glad you found it interesting. I had no choice the first time, but now, if I feel comfortable I will do it. As long as I am prepared.
Great advice, not that I would consider sleeping in a car in our country, because of crime, but some great tips here. The mattress seems like a great idea if you are going to do it regularly, but at my age, I am not so sure about it.
It’s definitely easier if you come prepared! These are really great tips!
I have never tried sleeping in a car like this but would love to give it a go to try to save money!
I’ve never slept in my car before. Thanks for the tips!
You are welcome. It was an experience the first time I did it – but I have got better at it and it does save you heaps if you have the right se t up for your car.
Very interesting story!!! I will have to keep this in mind during my next road trip!
As my story states – it was an accident I discovered about sleeping in my car. Many people use this option to save on accommodation costs. If caught out on your next trip hopefully my article will come back to your mind.
While I have never slept in my car during travels, the thought has definitely occured to me on long road trips! I especially liked your ideas for safety and privacy. Great tips, thanks!
I only sleep in my car if I feel safe – my safety and privacy matter to me.
This is a very useful and educational guide. I always think about sleeping in my car to save money, but can’t ever get myself mentally prepared to do so. I think after reading your blog, I would feel much more comfortable sleeping in my car when traveling!
As I say in the post, it was an accident that I first slept in my car now, I often do and it does save me heaps on accommodation costs.
I’ve often wondered what it might be like to sleep in my car to save money when traveling around. Thanks for this post, it’s very informative.
You are welcome. It is an option to consider for the future.
Accommodation can be so expensive in Australia so I can see why this may become an option. Thanks for the tips
After covid lockdowns there are many people travelling and thus, you need to book accommodation in advance. If everything it booked out, at least you know that sleeping in your car is an option.
I haven’t considered this before, I may look into this at some point. Thanks for the tips!
It is just an option if there is no other accommodation.