How much money do you need to take on holiday?
It is hard to say exactly how much money you will need for your travels. It depends on where you are going and for how long. Also, it can depend on how frugal you are while travelling. Some people love to stay in hostels while others don’t and this can take up a lot of your money. Another thing to take in to consideration is how long you are travelling for. A weekend away would require less funds than a month long trip.
To work out how much you might need, you will need to crunch some numbers.
Before you even set off you need to cover the following items:
- Airline ticket $………….
- Travel Insurance $………….. (check out our Travel Insurance section)
- Youth Hostel membership $……………..
- 1-2 weeks short-term accommodation for your arrival $…………….
- Transportation in and around the country (countries) $…………..
- Passport $………….
- Visa/s $…………….
- Vaccinations $………………
- Backpack $…………….. (check out our Packing section)
- Other items (sleeping bag, shoes, travel guides, etc.)
_______________ $……………
_______________ $……………
_______________ $……………
_______________ $……………
_______________ $……………
On arrival at your destination you need to budget for:
- Transport from the airport/seaport to your accommodation $………….
- Meals x 3 $…………………
- Sightseeing (entrance fees) $…………………
- Longer term accommodation $…………………
- Spending money $………………….
- Other items
_______________ $……………
_______________ $……………
_______________ $…………
_______________ $……………
_______________ $……………
I hope this helps you to work out how much to take with you on your travels.
About the author: Sharyn McCullum travelled the world for a number of years. She did long and short trips to a variety of places and needed to work out how much to take for each. She currently calls Melbourne, Australia home.