Travellers Fare – Fast and Fabulous Meals for Travellers

by | Last updated Mar 22, 2020 | Cooking and Travelling, Live Work Play Travel

When a traveller travels one thing that can suffer is their health. This is mainly due to not eating properly because of indulging in fast food, alcohol and having a good time. And health issues can manifest themselves in different ways. You may feel tired, sick in the stomach or become run down which could lead to illnesses like a cold, flu and other things. One way to help maintain your health is to cook your meals but even then you are confronted with a lack of cooking facilities and available fresh ingredients. But worry no more, as this is where Travellers’ Fare – Fast and Fabulous Meals for Travellers comes in.


Who is Travellers Fare for


I did a lot of backpacking where I stayed in hostels. I soon found my health suffered because hostels didn’t have great kitchens with cooking facilities and utensils available. And if they did, other people would be using the things. I, like many, became reliant on fast food. I always wished that sometimes I didn’t have to go out each night to eat. Apart from being a dent in the wallet there wasn’t always a healthy meal on offer. So I devised this cookbook for people like me that would be able to make a decent and nutritious (hopefully) meal with limited cooking facilities and ingredients. In a nutshell, the recipes in Travellers Fare – Fast and Fabulous Meals for Travellers are for single travellers though they can be adapted for couples and families.


Easy to make recipes


As you are travelling you don’t want to put too much effort and time into make a decent feed. So I have made the recipes in Travellers Fare – Fast and Fabulous Meals for Travellers as easy as possible. I list the ingredients you will need, the utensils required to prepare the meal and suggestions on what to do with any leftovers.


Take less than 60 minutes to prepare


I have made and tested the time to make each of the recipes. And they all take less than 60 minutes. I think this is a good thing because I know what it is like to be famished after a day of travelling around, sightseeing, etc.


Limited utensils required to prepare meals

When you travel and stay in hostels you don’t want or need to carry around kitchen utensils – they will just weigh you down. This is why I have created all my recipes to use limited utensils. So meals could can be made in say, one pot. And meals might only need a knife to cut things up and a spoon to stir with. I think you get the drift. Though, can I suggest, you could travel with some utensils. Here are some I have found very useful, a collapsable water bottle, spork (which is one of my absolute favourites items), collapsible bowl, plate and some cooking utensils.


Limited ingredients that provide nutrition


Although most of the recipes have limited ingredients I have tried to include ingredients that will provide you with a nutritious meal. And I hope, the ingredients will be locally sourced and not too expensive. I have also tried to ensure they are tasty meals but you are more than welcome to add different herbs and spices to give them ‘more bite’.


Save money cooking your own meals


It is hoped that by cooking your own meals it will help you to save some money. So rather than going out each night, though it would be nice, cooking at your home for the night should help you save some cash. This is because the ingredients should be cheaper. Plus you aren’t paying for someone to cook for you, you are doing the cooking yourself.

So if you would like to stay healthy when you travel and save some cash at the same time I highly suggest you start cooking your own meals. I know I saved quite a bit of money by cooking my own meals when travelling. Now you can too with Travellers Fare – Fast and Fabulous Meals for Travellers. Enjoy!

To purchase your copy of Travellers Fare – Fast and Fabulous Meals for Travellers click here.


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My favourite tools to Travel Live and Work Abroad


🏠 Where Will You Be Sleeping Tonight? – Get a bed in a hostel dorm through HostelWorld or for a hotel room check out Get free accommodation house and pet sitting through Trusted Housesitters – this has saved me thousands on accommodation, no joke!

✈️ Need a cheap and flexible airfare – head to Skyscanner.

 🚙 Car Rental – search and compare vehicles at DiscoverCars.

 🚆 Train Travel: I love riding the rails. For a rail pass in Europe head to Raileurope. And Japan has a great one too – JapanRail Pass.

🚌 Travelling by bus is often the cheapest way to travel. Compare and get a ticket or a pass at Busbud.

🏃🏻‍♀️ Jump-the-queue entrance tickets and day tours: I book these through GetYourGuide.

 🌏 How to pick a country to live and work abroad in? Check out my Working Holiday Visa Country Guides and Digital Nomad Visa Country Guides to see where you can live work play travel abroad.

👕 For travel clothing and gear I get a lot of stuff from Amazon, North Face and Anaconda.

 🚑 Should you buy travel insurance? Absolutely Yes! SafetyWing is great digital nomads and long-term travellers and World Normads has policies for general and adventure travel.


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Sharyn McCullum Sailing Through The Panama Canal With Storm Chasing Boat.

Sharyn McCullum – Travel Writer / Blogger, Remote On-line Worker, sometime Digital Nomad and Travel, Live and Work Abroad Expert. Is a chocoholic, coffee connoisseur and lover of ’80s music. Been travelling all her life thanks to her dad who worked for an airline. Lived in London 4 years on a working holiday. Has holidayed in Hawaii over 15 times and currently calls Melbourne, Australia home. Is inspiring others to get the live work play travel lifestyle with this blog. Read more about Sharyn here.


  1. Sara

    Thanks for the inspiration. I am a dab hand in the kitchen so will see how I go.

  2. Nicole Claesen

    Great tips! I like how your recipes can be adapted for couples and families

    • Sharyn McCullum

      Thanks. Originally I wrote this for when staying in hostels but after having kids I thought I would adapt it to more than single people.

  3. Erika

    I’ve thought about this a lot while traveling – when in Europe the hostels usually have pretty good kitchens but not in Southeast Asia! It’s important to try and get all your nutrients in. Interesting post!

    • Sharyn McCullum

      Yes, each hostel is different. Some have great kitchens while others not so. Cooking while travelling definitely helps to get all your nutrients in.

  4. Nele

    Really great tip! It get a bit hard to get all your vitamins sometimes when travelling. I like that these are easy to make recipes that wont take too long – I’d probably even try those at home 😉

    • Sharyn McCullum

      Yes, these recipes can be used anywhere – home and while travelling.

  5. Michelle

    What a fantastic idea! I can see this being ideal for someone like me who is working hard towards becoming a digital nomad that would require packing light and saving money so I can travel more.

    • Sharyn McCullum

      Good to hear. Enjoy your travels.

  6. Nina

    I’m guilty eating a lot of unhealthy food while traveling ‍♀️ I always try to cook whenever possible but sometimes I’m just too lazy

    • Sharyn McCullum

      You have to make your life as easy as possible and if it is easier to buy food or eat unhealthily so be it. But it is worthwhile to try to eat as best you can. Because you don’t want to get sick which could interfere with your travels.

  7. Megan Elliott

    Oh wow! This is such a great idea for travelers! You’re absolutely right; traveling can definitely take a toll on your nutrition.

    • Sharyn McCullum

      Travelling does have some negatives including taking a toll on your health, so it is important to look after yourself and eat as well as you can.

  8. Bliss

    It’s so much cheaper to make your own meals when traveling. This is a great idea.

    • Sharyn McCullum

      Absolutely. If you can save a few dollars by making your own meals you can spend those few dollars are great experiences! Every bit helps, right!

  9. Cindy Scott

    Limited utensils has been really important for RV life too! Way less clutter and less to clean. Great tips!

    • Sharyn McCullum

      Yes. I haven’t done much RV travelling but I can only imagine utensils would be limited due to limited space. It is amazing how creative we can be when we choose to travel a certain way!


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