What to Wear on a Plane: 7 Tips To Stay Comfortable and Stylish

by | Last updated Jan 3, 2025 | Gear, Luggage + Packing, Transport / Travelling

From short 1 hour flights to long haul flights, in my opinion, there is nothing worse than wearing uncomfortable clothing on a plane. Wearing comfortable clothing doesn’t mean your clothing cannot be stylish. Thankfully, having flown all my life thanks to my dad who worked for an airline, I have learnt a lot about the art of wearing comfortable yet stylish clothing while flying. So in this post I have put together my best tips on what to wear on a plane. I am giving you my best suggestions on what to wear on a plane so you will be comfortable yet stylish.

Air travel is often a mix of different climates. From a warmish terminal, to a hot tarmac, to an arctic air-conditioned cabin during the flight to a warm terminal again. And after that you have the local conditions at your departure point and then arrival destination to deal with. Then on the plane you may have to deal with an extended period in cramped conditions. With all these differing climates and different situations you will be asking yourself what on earth should you then wear while travelling on a plane? On any flight you will want to be comfortable and look stylish at the same time.

The following items included in the post provide plenty of comfort and a touch of style, making them the best clothes and accessories for flying. Be the best dressed in the cabin with my guide to in-flight apparel. Please note if you purchase any of these items through the Amazon links, i will receive a small commission without any extra cost to you.


7 Tips of clothes to wear on a Plane to keep you Comfortable and Stylish while Flying


People walking on a tarmac in their clothes to wear on a plane to the plane.

1. Wear Layers, Layers, Layers


My first and best tip of what to wear on a plane is to wear layers of clothes when you travel on a plane. This way, you can take off clothes if hot and put them on if cold. Which in turn, helps you to maintain optimal comfort during your flight. You don’t want to freeze during your flight and end up arriving with a cold at the other end. Nor do you want to boil in too many clothes while flying and be unable to cool yourself. Another advantage to wearing layers on your person means the less you need to pack in your luggage.

Your initial layer could be a pair of jeans or slacks or leggings with a t-shirt or shirt. Then add a layer of a jumper or sweatshirt or jacket. For added warmth maybe a shawl,  pashmina or scarf which can sort of double as a blanket or be folded up into a pillow.


2. Choose Clothes made from Breathable Fabrics


When deciding on your outfit for traveling by plane, try to choose clothes made from breathable fabrics. Cottons, linen or silk are great fabrics that breath. They allow air and moisture to pass through them providing you with more comfort. Basically if you wear fabrics that don’t allow air to circulate around your body they will hold sweat on your skin. This makes you feel dirtier and wetter faster and cause you to smell quicker. So breathable fabrics are a must during your flight to keep you comfortable. And you will stay stylish, unlike someone who hasn’t worn breathable clothing and gets off the plane all sweaty.


3. Wear Loose-fitting Clothing


Another thing to consider when deciding what to wear on a plane is to ensure you wear layers that are loose-fitting. Loose fitting clothing (pants, skirts and tops) help to reduce the risk of DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis) by not restricting blood flow through the veins. On long flights you may spend a long time in a cramped seat so comfortable clothing for long flights, well – any flight, is a must. You don’t want tight clothing to impede your movement. Being comfortable can help you sleep better on long-haul flights.


4. Don’t Forget Your Feet – Wear Comfortable Shoes


Comfortable, simple shoes that are flat and easy to get on and off are a must for what to wear plane flight. You will be standing, sitting, walking, etc. before, during and after your flight and so your shoes need to be comfortable. And if you need to take them off to go through the x-ray machines you need your shoes to be easy to get on and off. This is why I prefer a slip-on kinda shoe. They are also easier to get off your feet on the plane. If you are restricted by seats around you, you cannot always reach your feet to untie or tie shoe laces. Slip-on shoes are just easier.


5. Wear Compression Leg Wear


Although I have said it is advisable to wear loose-fitting clothes on your flight, it is highly suggested to wear compression socks/stockings during flights. The socks or stockings help to promote blood circulation which helps to prevent swelling of the legs and DVT (Deep Vein Thrombosis). Compression socks will also help to keep your legs warm. There are plenty of stylish compression leg wear out there, check out these.


6. Have Clothes with Lots of Pockets


Clothes to wear on plane not only need to be comfortable, but practical. As airlines can be very strict with the size and weight of carry on luggage, having clothes with pockets where you can store items for your trip can be useful. You could easily put your packet of tissues, lip balm, ear phones, etc. in to a pocket if not using a small bag, like a messenger bag. This way you don’t have to keep accessing your carry on luggage for those little things during the flight. And if your luggage is weighed you may be able to avoid excess fees by having some things in your pockets. This is where cargo pants can come in really useful!


7. Don’t forfeit Style – Choose Something Stylish to Wear


Don’t throw all your fashion sense out of the window just because you are taking a flight. There are many functional clothes out there that are stylish and comfortable. And also loose fitting that you can wear on a plane. It is amazing by adding a scarf, some jewellery or a nice pair of flat shoes that you can be comfortable and stylish. And looking stylish can sometimes help you be upgraded. It won’t happen all the time but sometimes when flights have been overbooked staff are advised to look for stylish dressed people checking in to upgrade. True!


Clothes to Wear on a Plane


female and male in jeans and tops to wear on a plane with male pushing female on luggage trolley to their airplane.

TIP: Wear clothing on a plane for the climate at your destination.
* warm clothes if arriving in cold weather like arriving during winter in London, Europe or Canada.
* summer clothing if going on a beach holiday like to Hawaii or Cancun.
* I get a lot of my clothing and travel gear from North Face, Amazon and Anaconda.


The Perfect Plane Outfit for Women


Is there perfect outfits to wear on a plane for women? A perfect plane outfit for women can include a t-shirt over a pair of leggings, jeans, track pants or skirt. Then add a shawl or cardigan with some comfortable slip-on shoes.


The Perfect Plane Outfit for Men


Is there perfect outfits to wear on a plane for men? A perfect plane outfit for men can include a t-shirt over a pair of jeans or track pants. Then add a cardigan, jumper or blazer with comfortable slip-on shoes.


Add a Bag for Your Personal Items


There are all sorts of bags available to carry your items. Many are now RFID security bags. RFID is Radio Frequency Identification technology that uses radio waves to identify people or objects. Having RFID in bags blocks these waves keeping details such as credit card details you may be carrying safe. There are messenger bags, duffle bags, small backpacks and even laptop backpacks for those travelling with a laptop.


Are You Ready to be Comfortable and Stylish when you Fly?


So there you have it, my 7 suggestions of what to wear on a plane so you are comfortable and stylish at the same time. I hope you have found them useful and will implement them next time you fly. If you have other suggestions to add to my list I would love to hear them in the comments following. Happy Travels.


What to wear on a plane of people wearing comfortable and stylish clothing PIN.

Thanks for sharing!

Just so you know: some of the links in this post might be affiliate links, which earn me a small commission at no extra cost to you. No pressure to use my links, but I REALLY appreciate when you do! Also, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. 

My favourite tools to Travel Live and Work Abroad


🏠 Where Will You Be Sleeping Tonight? – Get a bed in a hostel dorm through HostelWorld or for a hotel room check out Booking.com. Get free accommodation house and pet sitting through Trusted Housesitters – this has saved me thousands on accommodation, no joke!

✈️ Need a cheap and flexible airfare – head to Skyscanner.

 🚙 Car Rental – search and compare vehicles at DiscoverCars.

 🚆 Train Travel: I love riding the rails. For a rail pass in Europe head to Raileurope. And Japan has a great one too – JapanRail Pass.

🚌 Travelling by bus is often the cheapest way to travel. Compare and get a ticket or a pass at Busbud.

🏃🏻‍♀️ Jump-the-queue entrance tickets and day tours: I book these through GetYourGuide.

 🌏 How to pick a country to live and work abroad in? Check out my Working Holiday Visa Country Guides and Digital Nomad Visa Country Guides to see where you can live work play travel abroad.

👕 For travel clothing and gear I get a lot of stuff from Amazon, North Face and Anaconda.

 🚑 Should you buy travel insurance? Absolutely Yes! SafetyWing is great digital nomads and long-term travellers and World Normads has policies for general and adventure travel.


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Sharyn McCullum Sailing Through The Panama Canal With Storm Chasing Boat.

Sharyn McCullum – Travel Writer / Blogger, Remote On-line Worker, sometime Digital Nomad and Travel, Live and Work Abroad Expert. Is a chocoholic, coffee connoisseur and lover of ’80s music. Been travelling all her life thanks to her dad who worked for an airline. Lived in London 4 years on a working holiday. Has holidayed in Hawaii over 15 times and currently calls Melbourne, Australia home. Is inspiring others to get the live work play travel lifestyle with this blog. Read more about Sharyn here.


  1. simplyjolayne

    Let’s just hope that we can be back to flying soon!

    • Sharyn McCullum

      Totally agree with you there. I’m looking forward to this pandemic being over. On saying that, Australia is covid free and we can fly interstate at the moment, but that can change!

  2. Natalie

    Great tips! I always wear tons of layers when flying, but that’s usually because I’m an overpacker and have to wear all the clothes that didn’t fit in my bags hahaha. I’m working on packing less though! Also, I usually end up needing to wear my hiking boots on the plane since they take up a lot of space, but I also take flip flops in my carryon backpack to change into when on the flight 🙂 Never tried compression socks, but I’ve been considering giving them a try. Thanks for sharing this!

    • Sharyn McCullum

      Thanks. I have been flying all my life cause my dad worked for an airline so I have massed a lot of tips for what to wear on a plane.

  3. Alison

    Such a great list. Hope I can use it soon!

    • Sharyn McCullum

      Thanks. I have travelled on planes a ver long time and you really need to be comfortable and hopefully stylish at the same time.

  4. Sanika

    Pockets are definitely my best friend when travelling!

    • Sharyn McCullum

      Pockets are my best friends too when travelling. Particularly secret pockets for valuables.

  5. Karen

    These are great tips. I am all for wearing layers because I vacillate between being very cold, and then being overheated once the plane is in the air. I also like to wear a very loose shoes so I can get them off easily.

    • Sharyn McCullum

      Glad you like my tips and that I’m not alone with wearing layers and loose shoes!

  6. Melissa - My Beautiful Passport

    Yes please with staying cozy when traveling! Love wearing layers. Definitely need to work on my flight style though

  7. Josy A

    Great tips! I totally agree about layers! I can never tell if I will be melting or freezing on flights, so it is always good to be able to adjust! I have to admit, I often have to forego comfy shoes as I often travel in my hiking boots so that i don’t have to carry them!

  8. Kez

    I always wear loose fitting clothes and slip on shoes! In fact, I’ve always wondered how people deal with wearing lace up shoes on flights. I mean, for me they would just be a pain!

    • Sharyn McCullum

      Sounds like you do a lot of travelling too and have thought how to be comfortable on a plane. Glad I’m not alone!


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